Quintessentially Me

With fond memories of those years and growing children of our own, we understand just how challenging the preteen and teenage stage can be for a child maturing into a young adult.

Our portraits raise children to be confident and brave in a world that can be so uncertain.

Aimed at ages 9-15, Quintessentially Me is an unforgettable individual portrait experience that celebrates a child's unique personality and inner beauty.


At the awkward age of forced smiles and shying away from the camera, a perfect portrait can be especially precious.

The pre-teen & teenage years are a particular time of uncertainty, as changes and growing personalities can really challenge a child’s sense of self.

Capturing the essence of one’s personality is a truly affirming experience and especially important at this stage, which is why we here at Bella Luce Fine Art have put together the ‘Quintessentially Me’ experience.

This unique and tailored experience along with the beautiful portrait art of themselves reaffirms to our children that they are wanted, loved, and worthy.

Being viewed with kind eyes and treated with respect and patience, this experience can help to reinforce a child’s positive self-image and has the confidence-boosting and nourishing power of showing a child that they are being seen for who they truly are.


Building Family Heirlooms