Building Family Heirlooms

At Bella Luce Fine Art, we are not just portrait artists but heirloom builders.

Owners Sean and Amanda Kurdziolek, have 3 incredible children and to them, family is EVERYTHING.

They were inspired to share their love of photography with the rest of Alaska after seeing first-hand how impactful it was for their own children to be able to see themselves remembered.

That’s why we believe that leaving behind a legacy is so important for our future generations.

Over the years we have seen the great impact that portraits have on families and children. As psychological studies have proven, children who grow up with family portraits hanging on their walls have a greater sense of confidence & belonging.

Having beautiful, lifelike portraits of our loved ones enhances the family dynamic and has a significant impact on the way families connect and see each other. Therefore, we pride ourselves in the production of museum-quality artwork that will be a timeless and cherished addition taking pride of place in your home.

We create legacy family heirlooms that celebrate and honor the story & connection of each family.

Knowing our family history is the top indicator of social and emotional well-being. It allows children to see where they come from and helps pave their way into the future.

Bella Luce Fine Art’s family portraiture builds a legacy not only for your children but for your grandchildren, their children, and many more generations to come.

Are you ready to create your legacy portrait of your family?


The Positive Psychology behind Family Portraits in your Home


Quintessentially Me